أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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أسماء المحلات بالانجليزي
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أسماء المحلات بالانجليزي
إليكم اسماء المحلات باللغة الإنجليزية بتعريفها وبيان الكلمات البريطانية والأمريكية منها. أرجو أن تنال إعجابكم:
department store - مركز تسوق
a shop that sells many different items in different departments. For example, Harrods is probably the world's best known department store.
supermarket - سوبر ماركت
a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.
grocer (UK) / grocery store (US) محل بقالة-
a shop that sells food.
greengrocer - محل الفاكهة والخضروات
sells fresh fruit and vegetables.
butcher -محل الجزارة
sells fresh meat.
baker - المخبز
sells fresh bread and cakes.
fishmonger - محل بيع الأسماك
sells fresh fish.
chemist (UK) / drugstore (US) - الصيدلية
sells medicines and toiletries.
pharmacy (US) الصيدلية- sells medicines.
newsagent - محل بيع الصحف والمجلات
sells newspapers and magazines.
stationer - مكتبة لبيع المواد الكتابية
sells paper goods.
optician - محل بيع النظارات
sells glasses / contact lenses.
hardware shop / hardware store / ironmonger -محل بيع الأدوات المعدنية
sells hard goods, such as nails and screws.
corner shop (UK) - كشك لبيع الأشياء البسيطة
a shop on the corner of your street, selling a range of basic goods - food, newspapers, sweets, bread…
delicatessen (deli) - محل بيع الأطعمة الخاصة
sells specialist food not normally found in supermarkets. For example, an Italian deli, an Asian deli.
bookshop / bookstore - مكتبة لبيع الكتب
market -سوق
market traders (people who work on a market) have stalls that sell fruit and vegetables, clothes, household items and so on.
petshop -محل بيع طعام الحيوانات
for pets and pet food.
flea market -بيع الأثاث المستعمل
a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes.
tea shop (UK) - like a cafe, but sells tea and cakes.
petrol station (UK) / gas station ((US) محطة بنزين
sells petrol, car products and sometimes food.
Using 's
When we talk about shops, we often put an 's on the end. For example, "I'm going to the chemist's / greengrocer's / butcher's / baker's / newsagent's / fishmonger's/ optician's."
We don't use an 's with these shops: supermarket, hardware store, petrol station, department store.
department store - مركز تسوق
a shop that sells many different items in different departments. For example, Harrods is probably the world's best known department store.
supermarket - سوبر ماركت
a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.
grocer (UK) / grocery store (US) محل بقالة-
a shop that sells food.
greengrocer - محل الفاكهة والخضروات
sells fresh fruit and vegetables.
butcher -محل الجزارة
sells fresh meat.
baker - المخبز
sells fresh bread and cakes.
fishmonger - محل بيع الأسماك
sells fresh fish.
chemist (UK) / drugstore (US) - الصيدلية
sells medicines and toiletries.
pharmacy (US) الصيدلية- sells medicines.
newsagent - محل بيع الصحف والمجلات
sells newspapers and magazines.
stationer - مكتبة لبيع المواد الكتابية
sells paper goods.
optician - محل بيع النظارات
sells glasses / contact lenses.
hardware shop / hardware store / ironmonger -محل بيع الأدوات المعدنية
sells hard goods, such as nails and screws.
corner shop (UK) - كشك لبيع الأشياء البسيطة
a shop on the corner of your street, selling a range of basic goods - food, newspapers, sweets, bread…
delicatessen (deli) - محل بيع الأطعمة الخاصة
sells specialist food not normally found in supermarkets. For example, an Italian deli, an Asian deli.
bookshop / bookstore - مكتبة لبيع الكتب
market -سوق
market traders (people who work on a market) have stalls that sell fruit and vegetables, clothes, household items and so on.
petshop -محل بيع طعام الحيوانات
for pets and pet food.
flea market -بيع الأثاث المستعمل
a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes.
tea shop (UK) - like a cafe, but sells tea and cakes.
petrol station (UK) / gas station ((US) محطة بنزين
sells petrol, car products and sometimes food.
Using 's
When we talk about shops, we often put an 's on the end. For example, "I'm going to the chemist's / greengrocer's / butcher's / baker's / newsagent's / fishmonger's/ optician's."
We don't use an 's with these shops: supermarket, hardware store, petrol station, department store.
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1
صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
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